Special Operations

MIMIQ offers further possibilities to create circuits, such as new gate declarations, or wrappers for common combinations of gates.

Gate Declaration & Gate Calls

Using MIMIQ you can define your own gates with a given name, arguments and instructions. For examples if you wish to apply an H gate followed by an RX gate with a specific argument for the rotation you can use GateDecl or @gatedecl as follows:

@gatedecl ansatz(rot) = begin
    # build the equivalent circuit defining the gate
    c = Circuit()
    push!(c, GateH(), 1)
    push!(c, GateRX(rot), 2)

    # return the circuit
    return c
gate ansatz(rot) =
├── H @ q[1]
└── RX(rot) @ q[2]

Here, ansatz is the name that will be shown when printing or drawing the circuit and the variable name for the declaration. Then ansatz(...) is how we instantiate the gate and (rot) defines the gate parameters.

As you can see in the code above, to generate your own gate declaration you will need to instantiate Instructions. Instructions are instantiated using one operation followed by a list of targets needed by the operation. The order of the target follows the usual quantum register -> classical register -> Z-register order. Basically, it works the same way as push! except that no circuit is passed as an argument.

After declaration you can add it to your circuit using push!.

push!(circuit, ansatz(pi), 1, 2)
2-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── ansatz(π) @ q[1:2]

A gate declared with GateDecl must be unitary.


ansatz is an object of type GateDecl, whereas ansatz(pi) is of type GateCall.

Creating a gate declaration allows you to add easily the same sequence of gates in a very versatile way and manipulate your new gate like you would with any other gate. This means that you can combine it with other gates via Control, add noise to the whole block in one call, use it as an operator for ExpectationValue, use it within an IfStatement etc. See unitary gates, non-unitary operations, and noise pages.

For example, here is how to add noise to the previous gate declaration:

circuit = Circuit()
my_gate = ansatz(pi)
push!(circuit, my_gate, 1, 2)

## Add noise to the gate declared
add_noise!(circuit, my_gate, Depolarizing2(0.1))

q[1]: ╶┤1          ├┤1                    ├╴
       │  ansatz(π)││  Depolarizing(2,0.1)│
q[2]: ╶┤2          ├┤2                    ├╴

You can use it in an IfStatement as follows:

IfStatement(my_gate, bs"111")

Note that this type of combined operation does not work if we pass a circuit as an argument, instead of a declared gate (more precisely, a GateCall, see note above).

Composite Gates

MIMIQ provides a list of composite gates to facilitate the circuit building process. Here is the full list of generalized gates available on MIMIQ: QFT, PhaseGradient, PolynomialOracle, Diffusion, PauliString.

These composite gates are different from the other gates in that the number of targeted qubits is variable and require user input.

Pauli String

A PauliString is an $N$-qubit tensor product of Pauli operators of the form

\[P_1 \otimes P_2 \otimes P_3 \otimes \ldots \otimes P_N,\]

where each $P_i \in \{ I, X, Y, Z \}$ is a single-qubit Pauli operator, including the identity.

To create an operator using PauliString we simply pass as argument the Pauli string written as a String:

push!(circuit, PauliString("IXYZ"), 1, 2, 3, 4)
4-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── IXYZ @ q[1:4]

You can give it an arbitrary number of Pauli operators.

Quantum Fourier Transform

The Quantum Fourier transform is a circuit used to realize a linear tranformation on qubits and is a building block of many larger circuits such as Shor's algorithm or the quantum phase estimation.

The QFT maps an arbitrary quantum state $\ket{x} = \sum_{j = 0}^{N-1} x_{j}\ket{j}$ to a quantum state $\sum_{k=0}^{N-1} y_{k}\ket{k}$ according to the formula

\[\begin{aligned} y_{k} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{j=0}^{N-1} x_{j}w_{N}^{-jk} \end{aligned}\]

where $w_N = e^{2\pi i / N}$.

In MIMIQ the QFT gate allows you to quickly implement a QFT in your circuit on an arbitrary $N$ number of qubits. You can instantiate the QFT gate by giving it the number of qubits you want to use QFT(N) and you can add it like any other gate in the circuit.

push!(circuit, QFT(5), 1:5...)
5-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── QFT @ q[1:5]

This will add a 5 qubits QFT to the first five qubits of your circuit.

Phase Gradient

A phase gradient gate applies a phase shift to a quantum register of $N$ qubits, where each computational basis state $\ket{k}$ experiences a phase proportional to its integer value $k$:

\[\begin{aligned} \operatorname{PhaseGradient} = \sum_{k=0}^{N-1} \mathrm{e}^{i \frac{2 \pi}{N} k} \ket{k}\bra{k} \end{aligned}\]

To use it you can simply give it the number of qubit targets and add it to the circuit like the following examples:

push!(circuit, PhaseGradient(5), 1:5...)
5-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── PhaseGradient @ q[1:5]

This will add a 5 qubits PhaseGradient to the first 5 qubits of the quantum register.

Polynomial Oracle


This gate can only be used with the state vector simulator and not with MPS, because of ancillas qubit use.

The PolynomialOracle is a quantum oracle for a polynomial function of two registers. It applies a $\pi$ phase shift to any basis state which satifies $a xy + bx + cy + d == 0$, where $\ket{x}$ and $\ket{y}$ are the states of the two registers.

Here is how to use the PolynomialOracle:

push!(circuit, PolynomialOracle(5,5,1,2,3,4), 1:10...)
10-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── PolynomialOracle(1,2,3,4) @ q[1:5], q[6:10]

The arguments for PolynomialOracle follow this order: $N_x$ (size of $x$ register), $N_y$ (size of $y$ register), $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$, see definitions above.


The Diffusion operator corresponds to Grover's diffusion operator. It implements the unitary transformation.

\[H^{\otimes n} (1-2\ket{0^n} \bra{0^n}) H^{\otimes n}\]

Here is how to use Diffusion:

push!(circuit, Diffusion(10), 1:10...)
10-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── Diffusion @ q[1:10]

Again, you need to give the number of targets and the index of the targets.

More about composite gates

All composite gates can be decomposed with decompose to extract the implementation (except for PolynomialOracle).

5-qubit circuit with 15 instructions:
├── H @ q[5]
├── CP(π/2) @ q[4], q[5]
├── H @ q[4]
├── CP(π/4) @ q[3], q[5]
├── CP(π/2) @ q[3], q[4]
├── H @ q[3]
├── CP(π/8) @ q[2], q[5]
├── CP(π/4) @ q[2], q[4]
├── CP(π/2) @ q[2], q[3]
├── H @ q[2]
├── CP(π/16) @ q[1], q[5]
├── CP(π/8) @ q[1], q[4]
├── CP(π/4) @ q[1], q[3]
├── CP(π/2) @ q[1], q[2]
└── H @ q[1]


Barrier is a Non-op operation that does not affect the quantum state, but prevents compression or optimization across the execution. As of now Barrier is only useful when combined with the MPS backend.

To add barriers to the circuit you can use the Barrier operation:

circuit = Circuit() # hide
push!(circuit, GateX(), 1)

# Apply the Barrier on one qubit.
push!(circuit, Barrier(1), 1)

# Add a Gate between barriers
push!(circuit, GateX(), 1)
push!(circuit, GateX(), 1)

# apply individual barriers on multiple qubits
push!(circuit, Barrier(1), 1:3)

#Add gates between barriers
push!(circuit, GateX(), 1:3)

# Apply one general Barrier on multiple qubits (is effectively the same as above)
push!(circuit, Barrier(3), 1, 2, 3)

       ┌─┐░┌─┐┌─┐░  ┌─┐      ░
q[1]: ╶┤X├░┤X├┤X├░──┤X├──────░╴
       └─┘░└─┘└─┘░░ └─┘┌─┐   ░
q[2]: ╶───────────░────┤X├───░╴
                  ░░   └─┘┌─┐░
q[3]: ╶────────────░──────┤X├░╴
                   ░      └─┘░

In the example above when executing the second and third X gates can be compressed as one ID operator but the first and fourth X gate will not be merged with the others.