Source code for mimiqcircuits.bitstrings

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from bitarray import bitarray, frozenbitarray

def _helper_bitvec_to_int(arr):
    res = 0
    for bit in arr:
        res = (res << 1) | bit
    return res

# Function to convert a bitarray to an integer
def bitvec_to_int(arr):
    if not isinstance(arr, bitarray) or not isinstance(arr, frozenbitarray):
        raise TypeError("Input must be a bitarray or BitVector.")
    num_bits = len(arr)
    if num_bits > 0:
        return _helper_bitvec_to_int(arr)
        raise ValueError("Input array is empty.")

# Function to convert an integer to a bitarray of given size (pad)
def int_to_bitvec(x, pad, frozen=True):
    if not isinstance(x, int):
        raise TypeError("Input must be an integer.")
    if x < 0:
        raise ValueError("Input integer must be non-negative.")

    binary_str = bin(x)[2:].zfill(pad)

    if frozen:
        return frozenbitarray(binary_str)
        return bitarray(binary_str)

[docs] class BitString: """BitString for the quantum states. Representation of the quantum state of a quantum register with definite values for each qubit. Examples: Initialization: >>> from mimiqcircuits import * >>> from bitarray import bitarray >>> BitString(16) # number of qubits bs"0000000000000000" >>> BitString('10101') # binary string bs"10101" >>> BitString([1,0,0,0,1]) # binary string bs"10001" >>> BitString((1,0,0,0,1)) # binary string bs"10001" >>> BitString(bitarray('101010')) # bitarray bs"101010" Other initializations: >>> BitString.fromnonzeros(16, [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]) bs"0101010101010101" >>> BitString.fromfunction(16, lambda i: i % 2 == 1) bs"0101010101010101" >>> BitString.fromstring('10101') bs"10101" >>> BitString.fromint(16, 21) bs"1010100000000000" >>> BitString.fromint(16, 21, 'little') bs"0000000000010101" Accessing the bits: >>> bs = BitString(16) >>> bs[0] # get the 0th bit 0 >>> bs[0:4] # get the first 4 bits bs"0000" Bitwise operations: >>> bs1 = BitString('10101') >>> bs2 = BitString('11100') >>> bs1 | bs2 # OR bs"11101" >>> bs1 & bs2 # AND bs"10100" >>> bs1 ^ bs2 # XOR bs"01001" >>> ~bs1 # NOT bs"01010" >>> bs1 << 2 # left shift bs"10100" >>> bs1 >> 2 # right shift bs"00101" Other operations: >>> bs1 + bs2 # concatenation bs"1010111100" >>> bs1 * 2 # repetition bs"1010110101" """ _bits = bitarray(0) def __init__(self, arg): """Initialize the BitString. If the number of qubits is given, then the BitString is initialized to the all-zero state. If a binary string or a bitarray is given, then the BitString is the corresponding state. Examples: >>> BitString(16) # number of qubits bs"0000000000000000" >>> BitString('10101') # binary string bs"10101" >>> BitString(bitarray('101010')) # bitarray bs"101010" """ if isinstance(arg, int): bitstring = arg * "0" elif isinstance(arg, (str, bitarray, frozenbitarray, list, tuple)): bitstring = arg else: raise TypeError( "Invalid input type. Expected 'str', 'int', 'bitarray', 'list', 'tuple', 'frozenbitarray'" ) self._bits = frozenbitarray(bitstring) @property def bits(self): return self._bits @bits.setter def bits(self, bits): raise AttributeError("Cannot set the bits of a BitString.")
[docs] @staticmethod def fromnonzeros(num_qubits: int, nonzeros: list): """Initialize a BitString with specific non-zero qubits. Arguments: num_qubits (int): The number of qubits in the BitString. nonzeros (list): A list of non-zero qubit indices to set in the BitString. Returns: A BitString with the specified non-zero qubits. """ bitstring = "" if not all(0 <= i < num_qubits for i in nonzeros): raise ValueError("Invalid nonzero index.") for i in range(num_qubits): bitstring += "1" if i in nonzeros else "0" return BitString(bitstring)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromfunction(num_qubits: int, f: type[lambda: None]): """Initialize a BitString from a function. Arguments: num_qubits (int): The number of qubits in the BitString. f (function): A function that takes an integer and returns a boolean. Returns: A BitString. """ bitstring = "" for i in range(num_qubits): bitstring += "1" if f(i) else "0" return BitString(bitstring)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromstring(bitstring: str): """Initialize a BitString from a string. Arguments: bitstring (str): The string representation of the BitString. Returns: A BitString. """ return BitString(bitstring)
[docs] @staticmethod def fromint(num_qubits: int, integer: int, endianess: str = "big"): """Initialize a BitString from an integer. Arguments: num_qubits (int): The number of qubits in the BitString. integer (int): The integer value of the BitString. endianess (str): The endianess of the integer. Default is 'big'. Returns: A BitString. """ if len(bin(integer)[2:]) > num_qubits: raise ValueError("Integer is too large for the given number of qubits.") if endianess == "little": bitstring = bin(integer)[2:].zfill(num_qubits)[::-1] elif endianess == "big": bitstring = bin(integer)[2:].zfill(num_qubits) else: raise ValueError("endian must be either 'big' or 'little'") return BitString(bitstring[::-1])
[docs] def num_qubits(self): """Return the number of qubits in the BitString.""" return len(self.bits)
[docs] def nonzeros(self): """Return the indices of the non-zero qubits.""" return [i for i, bit in enumerate(self.bits) if bit]
[docs] def zeros(self): """Return the indices of the zero qubits.""" return [i for i, bit in enumerate(self.bits) if not bit]
[docs] def tointeger(self, endianess: str = "big"): """Return the integer value of the BitString. Arguments: endianess (str): The endianess of the integer. Default is 'big'. Returns: The integer value of the BitString. """ if endianess == "big": return bitvec_to_int(self.bits[::-1]) elif endianess == "little": return bitvec_to_int(self.bits) else: raise ValueError("Invalid endianess. Must be 'big' or 'little'.")
[docs] def to01(self, endianess="big"): """Return the binary string representation of the BitString. Arguments: endianess (str): The endianess of the integer. Default is 'big' Retruns: The binary string representation of the BitString. """ if endianess == "big": return "".join(map(str, self.bits)) elif endianess == "little": return "".join(map(str, reversed(self.bits))) else: raise ValueError("Invalid endianess. Must be 'big' or 'little'.")
[docs] def toindex(self, endianess: str = "big"): """Return the integer index of the BitString. Arguments: endianess (str): The endianess of the integer. Default is 'big'. Returns: The integer index of the BitString. """ if endianess == "big": return bitvec_to_int(self.bits[::-1]) elif endianess == "little": return bitvec_to_int(self.bits) else: raise ValueError("endian must be either 'big' or 'little'")
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BitString): return False return self.bits == other.bits def __str__(self): s = f"{len(self.bits)}-qubit BitString" nz = self.nonzeros() if len(nz) != 0: s += f" with {len(nz)} non-zero qubits:\n" s += f"├── |{self.bits.to01()}\n" s += f"└── non-zero qubits: {nz}" else: s += f":\n└── |{self.bits.to01()}⟩" return s def __repr__(self): return "bs" + '"' + self.to01() + '"' def __len__(self): return len(self.bits) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.bits.to01()) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.bits) def __getitem__(self, index): if type(index) is slice: return BitString(self.bits[index]) return self.bits[index] def __or__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BitString): raise TypeError("BitString can only be ORed with another BitString.") return BitString(self.bits | other.bits) def __and__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BitString): raise TypeError("BitString can only be ANDed with another BitString.") return BitString(self.bits & other.bits) def __xor__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BitString): raise TypeError("BitString can only be XORed with another BitString.") return BitString(self.bits ^ other.bits) def __invert__(self): return BitString(~self.bits) def __lshift__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, int): raise TypeError("BitString can only be left shifted by an integer.") return BitString(self.bits << other) def __rshift__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, int): raise TypeError("BitString can only be right shifted by an integer.") return BitString(self.bits >> other) def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BitString): raise TypeError("BitString can only be added with another BitString.") return BitString(self.bits + other.bits) def __mul__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, int): raise TypeError("BitString can only be multiplied by an integer.") return BitString(self.bits * other)
__all__ = ["BitString"]