# Copyright © 2022-2024 University of Strasbourg. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright © 2032-2024 QPerfect. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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from typing import List, Tuple
import mimiqcircuits as mc
class GateDecl:
Simple declaration of gates using the @gatedecl decorator.
**First way**
>>> from symengine import symbols
>>> from mimiqcircuits import *
Define symbols for the gate arguments
>>> x, y = symbols('x y')
Declare a gate using the @gatedecl decorator
>>> @gatedecl("ansatz")
... def ansatz(x):
... c = Circuit()
... c.push(GateX(), 0)
... c.push(GateRX(x), 1)
... return c
Create a GateDecl object using the decorator
>>> ansatz(x)
>>> ansatz(y)
>>> ansatz(x).decompose()
2-qubit circuit with 2 instructions:
├── X @ q[0]
└── RX(x) @ q[1]
>>> ansatz(2).decompose()
2-qubit circuit with 2 instructions:
├── X @ q[0]
└── RX(2) @ q[1]
**Second Way**
>>> from symengine import *
>>> from mimiqcircuits import *
Define symbols for the gate arguments
>>> x, y = symbols('x y')
From a circuit, create a GateDecl object directly
>>> c = Circuit()
>>> c.push(GateXXplusYY(x,y), 0,1)
2-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── XXplusYY(x, y) @ q[0,1]
>>> c.push(GateRX(x), 1)
2-qubit circuit with 2 instructions:
├── XXplusYY(x, y) @ q[0,1]
└── RX(x) @ q[1]
>>> gate_decl = GateDecl("ansatz", ('x','y'), c)
>>> gate_decl
gate ansatz(x, y) =
├── XXplusYY(x, y) @ q[0,1]
└── RX(x) @ q[1]
>>> GateCall(gate_decl, (2,4))
ansatz(2, 4)
Decompose the GateCall into a quantum circuit
>>> GateCall(gate_decl, (2,4)).decompose()
2-qubit circuit with 2 instructions:
├── XXplusYY(2, 4) @ q[0,1]
└── RX(2) @ q[1]
Add to Circuit
>>> g = GateCall(gate_decl, (2,4))
>>> c = Circuit()
>>> c.push(g,10,22)
23-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── ansatz(2, 4) @ q[10,22]
_name = "GateDecl"
def __init__(
self, name: str, arguments: Tuple[str, ...], circuit: mc.Circuit
if not all(isinstance(arg, str) for arg in arguments):
raise TypeError("All GateDecl arguments must be strings.")
if len(circuit) == 0:
raise ValueError("GateDecl cannot be defined from empty circuits.")
for inst in circuit:
# check if the instruction operation is from the Gate operation
if not isinstance(inst.get_operation(), mc.Gate):
raise ValueError("GateDecl instructions must be gates.")
if inst.num_bits() != 0 or inst.num_zvars() != 0:
raise ValueError("GateDecl instructions cannot have bits or zvars.")
if inst.num_qubits() == 0:
raise ValueError("GateDecl instructions must have qubits.")
nq = circuit.num_qubits()
np = len(arguments)
self.name = name
self.arguments = arguments
self.circuit = circuit
def num_qubits(self):
return self.circuit.num_qubits()
def num_qubits(self, value):
raise ValueError("Cannot set num_qubits. Read only parameter.")
def num_bits(self):
return self.circuit.num_bits()
def num_bits(self, value):
raise ValueError("Cannot set num_bits. Read only parameter.")
def num_zvars(self):
return self.circuit.num_zvars()
def num_zvars(self, value):
raise ValueError("Cannot set num_zvars. Read only parameter.")
def __str__(self):
result = f"gate {self.name}({', '.join(map(str, self.arguments))}) =\n"
N = len(self.circuit)
for i, inst in enumerate(self.circuit):
if i == N - 1:
result += f"└── {inst}\n"
result += f"├── {inst}\n"
return result
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
class GateCall(mc.Gate):
_name = "GateCall"
_num_bits = 0
_num_qubits = None
def __init__(self, decl: GateDecl, args: Tuple[float, ...]):
if len(args) != len(decl.arguments):
raise ValueError("Wrong number of arguments for GateCall.")
self._num_qubits = decl.num_qubits
self._decl = decl
self._args = args
def _matrix(self):
def decompose(self):
circ = mc.Circuit()
d = dict(zip(self._decl.arguments, self._args))
for inst in self._decl.circuit:
op = inst.operation.evaluate(d)
qubits = [i for i in inst.get_qubits()]
bits = [i for i in inst.get_bits()]
zvars = [i for i in inst.get_zvars()]
circ.push(op, *qubits, *bits, *zvars)
return circ
def _decompose(self, circ, qubits, bits, zvars):
d = dict(zip(self._decl.arguments, self._args))
if len(qubits) != self._decl.num_qubits:
raise ValueError("Wrong number of qubits for GateCall.")
if len(bits) != self._decl.num_bits:
raise ValueError("Wrong number of bits for GateCall.")
if len(zvars) != self._decl.num_zvars:
raise ValueError("Wrong number of zvars for GateCall.")
for inst in self._decl.circuit:
op = inst.operation.evaluate(d)
# Map the instruction qubits to the actual qubits in the circuit
inst_qubits = [qubits[q] for q in inst.get_qubits()]
# Push the operation with the mapped qubits into the circuit
circ.push(op, *inst_qubits, *bits, *zvars)
return circ
def __str__(self):
return f"{self._decl.name}({', '.join(map(str, self._args))})"
def evaluate(self, d):
new_args = [
arg.subs(d) if not isinstance(arg, (int, float)) else arg
for arg in self._args
return type(self)(self._decl, tuple(new_args))
def gatedecl(name):
def decorator(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
circ = func(*args, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(circ, mc.Circuit):
raise ValueError("GateDecl must return a Circuit object.")
arguments = [str(arg) for arg in args] + [
f"{key}={value}" for key, value in kwargs.items()
decl = GateDecl(name, arguments, circ)
return GateCall(decl, args)
return wrapper
return decorator
__all__ = ["GateCall", "GateDecl", "gatedecl"]