# Copyright © 2022-2024 University of Strasbourg. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright © 2032-2024 QPerfect. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import mimiqcircuits as mc
from mimiqcircuits.operations.operation import Operation
from mimiqcircuits.operations.measure import AbstractMeasurement
class MeasureReset(AbstractMeasurement):
"""MeasureReset operation.
This operation measures a qubit q, stores the value in a classical bit c,
then applies a X operation to the qubit if the measured value is 1, effectively
resetting the qubit to the :math:`\\ket{0}` state.
>>> from mimiqcircuits import *
>>> c = Circuit()
>>> c.push(MeasureReset(), 1, 0)
2-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── MR @ q[1], c[0]
>>> c.decompose()
2-qubit circuit with 2 instructions:
├── M @ q[1], c[0]
└── IF (c==1) X @ q[1], c[0]
_name = "MR"
_num_bits = 1
_num_qubits = 1
_num_cregs = 1
_qregsizes = [1]
_cregsizes = [1]
_num_zvars = 0
def inverse(self):
raise TypeError("MeasureReset is not inversible")
def power(self, p):
raise TypeError("MeasureReset^p is not defined.")
def control(self, num_qubits):
raise TypeError("Controlled MeasureReset is not defined.")
def iswrapper(self):
return False
def _decompose(self, circ, qubits, bits, zvars):
circ.push(mc.Measure(), qubits, bits)
circ.push(mc.IfStatement(mc.GateX(), bitstring=mc.BitString("1")), qubits, bits)
return circ
def get_operation(self):
return self
def __str__(self):
return f"{self._name}"
class MeasureResetX(AbstractMeasurement):
"""MeasureResetX operation.
The MeasureResetX operation first applies a Hadamard gate (H) to the qubit,
performs a measurement and reset operation similar to the MeasureReset operation,
and then applies another Hadamard gate. This sequence effectively measures the
qubit in the X-basis and resets it to the :math:`|+>` state.
See Also:
:class:`MeasureReset`: The standard measurement and reset operation in the Z-basis.
:class:`MeasureResetY`: Similar operation that measures and resets the qubit in the Y-basis.
>>> from mimiqcircuits import *
>>> c = Circuit()
>>> c.push(MeasureResetX(), 1, 0)
2-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── MRX @ q[1], c[0]
>>> c.decompose()
2-qubit circuit with 3 instructions:
├── H @ q[1]
├── MR @ q[1], c[0]
└── H @ q[1]
_name = "MRX"
_num_bits = 1
_num_qubits = 1
_num_cregs = 1
_qregsizes = [1]
_cregsizes = [1]
_num_zvars = 0
def inverse(self):
raise TypeError("MeasureResetX is not inversible")
def power(self, p):
raise TypeError("MeasureResetX^p is not defined.")
def control(self, num_qubits):
raise TypeError("Controlled MeasureResetX is not defined.")
def iswrapper(self):
return False
def _decompose(self, circ, qubits, bits, zvars):
q = qubits[0]
c = bits[0]
circ.push(mc.GateH(), q)
circ.push(MeasureReset(), q, c)
circ.push(mc.GateH(), q)
return circ
def get_operation(self):
return self
def __str__(self):
return f"{self._name}"
class MeasureResetY(AbstractMeasurement):
"""MeasureResetY operation.
The MeasureResetY operation applies (HYZ) gate to
the qubit, performs a MeasureReset operation,
and then applies another HYZ gate.
This sequence effectively measures the qubit in
the Y-basis.
See Also:
:class:`MeasureReset`: The standard measurement and reset operation in the Z-basis.
:class:`MeasureResetX`: Similar operation that measures and resets the qubit in the X-basis.
>>> from mimiqcircuits import *
>>> c = Circuit()
>>> c.push(MeasureResetY(), 1, 0)
2-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── MRY @ q[1], c[0]
>>> c.decompose()
2-qubit circuit with 3 instructions:
├── HYZ @ q[1]
├── MR @ q[1], c[0]
└── HYZ @ q[1]
_name = "MRY"
_num_bits = 1
_num_qubits = 1
_num_cregs = 1
_qregsizes = [1]
_cregsizes = [1]
_num_zvars = 0
def inverse(self):
raise TypeError("MeasureResetY is not inversible")
def power(self, p):
raise TypeError("MeasureResetY^p is not defined.")
def control(self, num_qubits):
raise TypeError("Controlled MeasureResetY is not defined.")
def iswrapper(self):
return False
def _decompose(self, circ, qubits, bits, zvars):
q = qubits[0]
c = bits[0]
circ.push(mc.GateHYZ(), q)
circ.push(MeasureReset(), q, c)
circ.push(mc.GateHYZ(), q)
return circ
def get_operation(self):
return self
def __str__(self):
return f"{self._name}"
class MeasureResetZ(AbstractMeasurement):
r"""This class acting as an alias for :class:`MeasureReset`.
def __new__(self):
return MeasureReset()
# export operations
__all__ = ["MeasureReset", "MeasureResetX", "MeasureResetY", "MeasureResetZ"]