# Copyright © 2022-2023 University of Strasbourg. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright © 2032-2024 QPerfect. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import numpy as np
from typing import List, Union
import symengine as se
import mimiqcircuits as mc
import sympy as sp
from mimiqcircuits.operations.krauschannel import krauschannel
def is_valid_power_of_2(n):
"""Check if a number is a power of 2."""
return n > 0 and (n & (n - 1)) == 0
def _is_approx_identity(matrix, size, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12):
"""Check if the matrix is approximately the identity matrix using relative and absolute tolerance."""
identity_matrix = se.eye(size)
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size):
diff = abs(matrix[i, j] - identity_matrix[i, j])
# Use both relative tolerance (rtol) and absolute tolerance (atol)
if diff > atol + rtol * abs(identity_matrix[i, j]):
return False
return True
class Kraus(krauschannel):
Custom N-qubit Kraus channel specified by a list of 2^N x 2^N Kraus matrices.
A Kraus channel is defined by:
.. math::
\mathcal{E}(\rho) = \sum_k E_k \rho E_k^\dagger,
where :math:`E_k` are Kraus matrices that need to fulfill :math:`\sum_k E_k^\dagger E_k = I`.
If the Kraus matrices are all proportional to unitaries, use :func:`MixedUnitary` instead.
The Kraus matrices are defined in the computational basis in the usual textbook order
(the first qubit corresponds to the left-most qubit).
For 1 qubit, we have :math:`|0\rangle`, :math:`|1\rangle`.
For 2 qubits, we have :math:`|00\rangle`, :math:`|01\rangle`, :math:`|10\rangle`, :math:`|11\rangle`.
**Note:** Currently, only 1 and 2-qubit custom Kraus channels are supported.
See Also:
kmatrices (list): List of :math:`2^N \times 2^N` complex matrices. The number of qubits is equal to :math:`N`.
>>> from mimiqcircuits import *
>>> from symengine import *
>>> c = Circuit()
>>> c.push(Kraus([Matrix([[1, 0], [0, sqrt(0.9)]]), Matrix([[0, sqrt(0.1)], [0, 0]])]), 0)
1-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── Kraus(Operator([[1, 0], [0, 0.948683298050514]]), Operator([[0, 0.316227766016838], [0, 0]])) @ q[0]
Kraus Matrices
>>> g=Kraus([Matrix([[1, 0], [0, sqrt(0.9)]]), Matrix([[0, sqrt(0.1)], [0, 0]])])
>>> g.krausmatrices()
[[1.0, 0]
[0, 0.948683298050514]
, [0, 0.316227766016838]
[0, 0]
# Example 2: Kraus with Projector0 and Projector1
>>> c = Circuit()
>>> c.push(Kraus([Projector0(), Projector1()]), 0)
1-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── Kraus(P₀(1), P₁(1)) @ q[0]
# Example 3: Kraus with a matrix and Projector1
>>> c = Circuit()
>>> c.push(Kraus([Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 0]]), Projector1()]), 0)
1-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── Kraus(Operator([[1, 0], [0, 0]]), P₁(1)) @ q[0]
_name = "Kraus"
_parnames = ()
def __init__(
E: List[Union[se.Matrix, np.ndarray, sp.Matrix, mc.AbstractOperator]],
if len(E) == 0:
raise ValueError("Vector of Kraus operators cannot be empty")
Es = []
for Ek in E:
if isinstance(Ek, mc.AbstractOperator):
elif isinstance(Ek, (se.Matrix, np.ndarray, sp.Matrix)):
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported operator type: {type(Ek)}")
# Determine the dimension of the first operator
dim = self._determine_dim(Es[0])
# Ensure all matrices or operators have the same dimension
for Ek in Es:
matrix_dim = Ek.matrix().rows
if matrix_dim != dim:
raise ValueError("All matrices must have the same dimensions.")
if not is_valid_power_of_2(dim):
raise ValueError("Operator dimension must be 2^n.")
self.N = Es[0].num_qubits
if self.N < 1:
raise ValueError("Cannot define a 0-qubit custom noise channel")
if self.N > 2:
raise ValueError(
"Custom noise channels larger than 2 qubits are not supported"
# Perform the sum of E_k^† E_k = I check directly here
M = 1 << self.N # Equivalent to 2^N
if not any(
any(not element.is_number for element in op.matrix()) for op in Es
# Perform normalization check only for purely numeric matrices
ksum = sum(
np.array(op.matrix().tolist(), dtype=np.complex128).conj().T
@ np.array(op.matrix().tolist(), dtype=np.complex128)
for op in Es
if not np.allclose(ksum, np.eye(M, dtype=np.complex128), rtol=1e-12):
raise ValueError(
"List of Kraus matrices should fulfill \\sum_k E_k^\\dagger E_k = I."
# Check if ksum is approximately the identity matrix
if not _is_approx_identity(ksum, M, rtol):
raise ValueError(
"List of Kraus matrices should fulfill \\sum_k E_k^\\dagger E_k = I."
self.E = Es
self._num_qubits = self.N
self._parnames = ("E",)
def evaluate(self, values: dict):
"""Evaluates symbolic parameters in Kraus matrices using a dictionary of values.
values (dict): A dictionary where keys are symbolic variables and values are the corresponding numerical values.
Kraus: A new Kraus instance with evaluated matrices.
evaluated_E = []
for op in self.E:
if isinstance(op, mc.Operator):
# Substitute symbolic parameters in the matrix
matrix = op.matrix()
evaluated_matrix = se.Matrix(
[[element.subs(values) for element in row] for row in matrix.tolist()]
# If it's already an AbstractOperator, we just append it
return Kraus(evaluated_E)
def _convert_to_matrix(self, operator):
"""Converts matrices to symengine.Matrix, stripping imaginary parts if zero."""
if isinstance(operator, (np.ndarray, sp.Matrix)):
matrix = se.Matrix(operator.tolist())
elif isinstance(operator, se.Matrix):
matrix = operator
raise TypeError(f"Unsupported matrix type: {type(operator)}")
return matrix
def _determine_dim(self, operator):
"""Determines the dimension of the operator or matrix."""
return 1 << operator.num_qubits
def krausoperators(self):
"""Returns the Kraus operators."""
return self.E
def __str__(self):
"""String representation, listing either AbstractOperators or matrix slices."""
matrices_str = ", ".join(
f"[{matrix[0, 0]}, ... ,{matrix[-1, -1]}]"
if isinstance(matrix, se.Matrix)
else str(matrix)
for matrix in self.E
return f"{self._name}({matrices_str})"
def unwrappedkrausmatrices(self):
"""Returns the unwrapped Kraus matrices."""
return self.krausmatrices()
__all__ = ["Kraus"]