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import mimiqcircuits as mc
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
import symengine as se
from mimiqcircuits.operations.krauschannel import krauschannel
import sympy as sp
class Depolarizing(krauschannel):
r"""N-qubit depolarizing noise channel.
The Kraus operators for the depolarizing channel are given by:
.. math::
E_1 = \sqrt{1-p} I_N, \quad E_i = \sqrt{p/(4^N-1)} P_i,
where :math:`p \in [0,1]` is a probability, and :math:`P_i` is an :math:`N`-qubit Pauli string
operator, i.e., a tensor product of one-qubit Pauli operators.
There is exactly one Kraus operator :math:`E_{i>1}` for each distinct combination of
Pauli operators :math:`P_i`, except for the :math:`N`-qubit identity
:math:`I_N = I \otimes I \otimes I \otimes \dots`.
For example:
- For one qubit, we have 3 operators :math:`P_i \in \{X, Y, Z\}`.
- For two qubits, we have 15 operators :math:`P_i \in \{ I\otimes X, I\otimes Y,
I\otimes Z, X\otimes I, Y\otimes I, Z\otimes I, X\otimes X, X\otimes Y, X\otimes Z,
Y\otimes X, Y\otimes Y, Y\otimes Z, Z\otimes X, Z\otimes Y, Z\otimes Z \}`.
This channel is a mixed unitary channel (see :func:`ismixedunitary`),
and is a special case of :class:`PauliNoise`.
See Also:
N (int): Number of qubits.
p (float): Probability of error, i.e., the probability of not applying the identity.
Depolarizing channels can be defined for any number of qubits:
>>> from mimiqcircuits import *
>>> c = Circuit()
>>> c.push(Depolarizing(1, 0.1), 1)
2-qubit circuit with 1 instructions:
└── Depolarizing(0.1) @ q[1]
>>> c.push(Depolarizing(5, 0.1), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
6-qubit circuit with 2 instructions:
├── Depolarizing(0.1) @ q[1]
└── Depolarizing(0.1) @ q[1,2,3,4,5]
For one and two qubits, you can use the shorthand notation:
>>> c.push(Depolarizing(1, 0.1), 1)
6-qubit circuit with 3 instructions:
├── Depolarizing(0.1) @ q[1]
├── Depolarizing(0.1) @ q[1,2,3,4,5]
└── Depolarizing(0.1) @ q[1]
>>> c.push(Depolarizing(2, 0.1), 1, 2)
6-qubit circuit with 4 instructions:
├── Depolarizing(0.1) @ q[1]
├── Depolarizing(0.1) @ q[1,2,3,4,5]
├── Depolarizing(0.1) @ q[1]
└── Depolarizing(0.1) @ q[1,2]
_name = "Depolarizing"
_parnames = ()
_num_qubits = None
_parnames = ()
def __init__(self, N, p):
if N < 1:
raise ValueError("Cannot define a 0-qubit depolarizing noise channel")
if not isinstance (p, (se.Basic, sp.Basic)) and (p < 0 or p > 1):
raise ValueError("Probability p needs to be between 0 and 1.")
self.N = N
self.p = p
self._num_qubits = self.N
self._parnames = ("N", "p")
def parnames(self):
return self._parnames
def num_qubits(self):
return self._num_qubits
def evaluate(self, d={}):
if hasattr(self.p, 'subs'):
substituted_p = self.p.subs(d)
evaluated_p = float(substituted_p.evalf()) if substituted_p.is_number else substituted_p
evaluated_p = self.p
if isinstance(evaluated_p, (float, int)) and not (0 <= evaluated_p <= 1):
raise ValueError("Probability after evaluation must be between 0 and 1")
return Depolarizing(self.N, evaluated_p)
def probabilities(self):
N = self.N
return np.concatenate(([1 - self.p], np.repeat(self.p / (4**N - 1), 4**N - 1)))
def unitarygates(self):
N = self.N
paulis = ["I", "X", "Y", "Z"]
combinations = ["".join(p) for p in product(paulis, repeat=N)]
return [mc.PauliString(comb) for comb in combinations]
def unitarymatrices(self):
return [gate.matrix() for gate in self.unitarygates()]
def krausmatrices(self):
probabilities = self.probabilities()
unitary_matrices = self.unitarymatrices()
sqrt_probs = [se.sqrt(p) for p in probabilities]
return [
sqrt_p * u_matrix for sqrt_p, u_matrix in zip(sqrt_probs, unitary_matrices)
def krausoperators(self):
return [mc.Operator(Ek) for Ek in self.krausmatrices()]
def iswrapper(self):
def ismixedunitary(self):
return True
def __str__(self):
return f"{self._name}({self.p})"
class Depolarizing1(krauschannel):
def __new__(self, p):
return Depolarizing(1, p)
class Depolarizing2(krauschannel):
def __new__(self, p):
return Depolarizing(2, p)
__all__ = ["Depolarizing", "Depolarizing1", "Depolarizing2"]