Source code for mimiqcircuits.operations.power

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from fractions import Fraction
from symengine import Matrix, pi
from mimiqcircuits.printutils import print_wrapped_parens
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import mimiqcircuits as mc

[docs] class Power(mc.Operation): """Power operation. Represents a Power operation raised to a specified exponent. Examples: >>> from mimiqcircuits import * >>> c= Circuit() >>> c.push(Power(GateX(),1/2),1) 2-qubit circuit with 1 instructions: └── SX @ q[1] <BLANKLINE> >>> c.push(Power(GateX(),5),1) 2-qubit circuit with 2 instructions: ├── SX @ q[1] └── X**5 @ q[1] <BLANKLINE> >>> c.decompose() 2-qubit circuit with 6 instructions: ├── U(1.57079632679490, -1.57079632679490, 1.57079632679490, 0.785398163397448) @ q[1] ├── X @ q[1] ├── X @ q[1] ├── X @ q[1] ├── X @ q[1] └── X @ q[1] <BLANKLINE> """ _name = "Power" _num_qubits = None _num_bits = 0 _num_cregs = 0 _op = None _parnames = ("exponent",) def __init__(self, operation, exponent, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(operation, type) and issubclass(operation, mc.Operation): op = operation(*args, **kwargs) elif isinstance(operation, mc.Operation): op = operation else: raise ValueError("Operation must be an Operation object or type.") if self.num_bits != 0: raise ValueError("Power operation cannot act on classical bits.") if isinstance(op, (mc.Barrier, mc.Reset, mc.Measure)): raise TypeError(f"{op.__class__.__name__} cannot be powered operation.") super().__init__() self._exponent = exponent self._op = op self._num_qubits = op.num_qubits self._num_qregs = op.num_qregs self._qregsizes = op.qregsizes self._parnames = op.parnames if isinstance(op, mc.Power): self._op = op.op self._exponent = exponent * op.exponent @property def op(self): return self._op @op.setter def op(self, op): raise ValueError("Cannot set op. Read only parameter.") @property def exponent(self): return self._exponent @exponent.setter def exponent(self, power): raise ValueError("Cannot set exponent. Read only parameter.")
[docs] def iswrapper(self): return True
def _power(self, pwr): return self.op.power(pwr * self._exponent)
[docs] def power(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: return mc.power(self) elif len(args) == 1: exponent = args[0] return self._power(exponent) else: raise ValueError("Invalid number of arguments.")
def __pow__(self, exponent): return self.power(exponent)
[docs] def inverse(self): return mc.Inverse(self)
[docs] def control(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: return mc.control(self) elif len(args) == 1: num_controls = args[0] return mc.Control(num_controls, self) else: raise ValueError("Invalid number of arguments.")
[docs] def parallel(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: return mc.parallel(self) elif len(args) == 1: num_repeats = args[0] return mc.Parallel(num_repeats, self) else: raise ValueError("Invalid number of arguments.")
[docs] def matrix(self): matrix = sp.Matrix(self.op.matrix().tolist()) pow_matrix = matrix ** (self.exponent) return Matrix(sp.simplify(sp.Matrix(pow_matrix.tolist()).evalf()))
[docs] def getparams(self): return self.op.getparams()
def __str__(self): if self._op == mc.GateX() and self._exponent == 1 / 2: return mc.GateSX().name fraction = Fraction(self.exponent).limit_denominator(100) if float(fraction) == self.exponent and int(fraction) != self.exponent: return f"{print_wrapped_parens(self.op)}**({fraction})" if self.exponent == pi: return f"{print_wrapped_parens(self.op)}**π" if self.exponent == -pi: return f"{print_wrapped_parens(self.op)}**(-π)" divpi = Fraction(self.exponent / np.pi).limit_denominator(100) if float(divpi) == self.exponent / np.pi: if divpi == 1: return f"{print_wrapped_parens(self.op)}**π" if divpi == -1: return f"{print_wrapped_parens(self.op)}**(-1)" if divpi > 0: return f"{print_wrapped_parens(self.op)}**({divpi} * π)" return f"{print_wrapped_parens(self.op)}**(({divpi}) * π)" if self.exponent < 0: return f"{print_wrapped_parens(self.op)}**({self.exponent})" return f"{print_wrapped_parens(self.op)}**{self.exponent}" def __repr__(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def evaluate(self, d): exponent = self.exponent return self.op.evaluate(d).power(exponent)
def _decompose(self, circ, qubits, bits): if isinstance(self.exponent, int) and self.exponent >= 1: for _ in range(self.exponent): circ.push(self.op, *qubits) return circ # try to decompose, # if there is only a gate, maybe it is ok # if the gates are all diagonal then we can continue # otherwise just do nothing and push the same thing cop = self.op.decompose() if len(cop) == 1: circ.push(cop.instructions[0].operation._power(self.exponent), *qubits) return circ circ.push(self, *qubits) return circ
[docs] def decompose(self): return self._decompose( mc.Circuit(), range(self.num_qubits), range(self.num_bits) )
# export operation __all__ = ["Power"]