Source code for mimiqcircuits.qcsresults

from mimiqcircuits.proto.qcsrproto import toproto_qcsr, fromproto_qcsr
from mimiqcircuits.proto import qcsresults_pb
from mimiqcircuits.bitstrings import bitvec_to_int
from statistics import mean, median, stdev

[docs] class QCSResults: """ Represents the results of quantum computations obtained from quantum cloud services (QCS). Args: simulator (str): The name of the quantum simulator. version (str): The version of the quantum simulator. fidelities (list): List of fidelity estimates from different executions. avggateerrors (list): List of average multi-qubit gate errors from different executions. cstates (list): List of classical states obtained from executions. zstates (list): Not used in the current implementation. amplitudes (dict): Dictionary of statevector amplitudes for different quantum states. timings (dict): Dictionary of timing information for different phases of the computation. """ def __init__( self, simulator=None, version=None, fidelities=None, avggateerrors=None, cstates=None, zstates=None, amplitudes=None, timings=None, ): self.simulator = simulator self.version = version self.fidelities = fidelities if fidelities is not None else [] self.avggateerrors = avggateerrors if avggateerrors is not None else [] self.cstates = cstates if cstates is not None else [] self.zstates = zstates if zstates is not None else [] self.amplitudes = amplitudes if amplitudes is not None else {} self.timings = timings if timings is not None else {} def __repr__(self): result_str = "QCSResults:\n" if self.simulator is not None: result_str += f"├── simulator: {self.simulator} {self.version}\n" # filter out the ones < 1e-7 timings = {k: v for k, v in self.timings.items() if v > 1e-7} result_str += "├── timings:\n" for key, value in list(timings.items())[:-1]: result_str += f"│ ├── {key} time: {value}s\n" key, value = list(timings.items())[-1] result_str += f"│ └── {key} time: {value}s\n" if len(self.fidelities) == 1: result_str += f"├── fidelity estimate: {self.fidelities[0]:.3g}\n" result_str += f"├── average multi-qubit gate error estimate: {self.avggateerrors[0]:.3g}\n" elif len(self.fidelities) != 0: result_str += "├── fidelity estimate:\n" result_str += f"│ ├── min, max: {min(self.fidelities):.3g}, {max(self.fidelities):.3g}\n" result_str += f"│ ├── mean: {mean(self.fidelities):.3g}\n" result_str += f"│ ├── median: {median(self.fidelities):.3g}\n" result_str += f"│ └── std: {stdev(self.fidelities):.3g}\n" result_str += "├── average multi-qubit gate error estimate:\n" result_str += f"│ ├── min, max: {min(self.avggateerrors):.3g}, {max(self.avggateerrors):.3g}\n" result_str += f"│ ├── mean: {mean(self.avggateerrors):.3g}\n" result_str += f"│ ├── median: {median(self.avggateerrors):.3g}\n" result_str += f"│ └── std: {stdev(self.avggateerrors):.3g}\n" if len(self.cstates) != 0: hist = self.histogram() outcomes = sorted(hist, key=hist.get, reverse=True)[0:5] result_str += "├── most sampled:\n" for bs in outcomes[:-1]: result_str += f'│ ├── bs"{bs.to01()}" => {hist[bs]}\n' bs = outcomes[-1] result_str += f'│ └── bs"{bs.to01()}" => {hist[bs]}\n' result_str += f"├── {len(self.fidelities)} executions\n" result_str += f"├── {len(self.amplitudes)} amplitudes\n" result_str += f"└── {len(self.cstates)} samples" return result_str def _repr_html_(self): html_output = "<table><tbody>" # QCSResults Header html_output += '<tr><td colspan=2 style="text-align:center;"><strong>QCSResults</strong></td></tr>' html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>" # Simulator Information html_output += '<tr><td colspan=2 style="text-align:center;"><strong>Simulator</strong></td></tr>' html_output += f'<tr><td colspan=2 style="text-align:center;">{self.simulator} {self.version}</td></tr>' html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>" # Timings html_output += '<tr><td colspan=2 style="text-align:center;"><strong>Timings</strong></td></tr>' for key, value in self.timings.items(): html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">{key} time</td><td>{value}s</td></tr>' html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>" # Fidelity Estimates if self.fidelities: html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2></td></tr>" html_output += '<tr><td colspan=2 style="text-align:center;"><strong>Fidelity estimate</strong></td></tr>' if len(self.fidelities) == 1: html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">Single run value</td><td>{round(self.fidelities[0], 3)}</td></tr>' else: html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">Mean</td><td>{round(mean(self.fidelities), 3)}</td></tr>' html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">Median</td><td>{round(median(self.fidelities), 3)}</td></tr>' html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">Standard Deviation</td><td>{round(stdev(self.fidelities), 3)}</td></tr>' html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>" # Average Multiqubit Error Estimates if self.avggateerrors: html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2></td></tr>" html_output += '<tr><td colspan=2 style="text-align:center;"><strong>Average multiqubit error estimate</strong></td></tr>' if len(self.avggateerrors) == 1: html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">Single run value</td><td>{round(self.avggateerrors[0], 3)}</td></tr>' else: html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">Mean</td><td>{round(mean(self.avggateerrors), 3)}</td></tr>' html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">Median</td><td>{round(median(self.avggateerrors), 3)}</td></tr>' html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">Standard Deviation</td><td>{round(stdev(self.avggateerrors), 3)}</td></tr>' html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>" # Statistics html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2></td></tr>" html_output += '<tr><td colspan=2 style="text-align:center;"><strong>Statistics</strong></td></tr>' html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">Number of executions</td><td>{len(self.fidelities)}</td></tr>' html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">Number of samples</td><td>{len(self.cstates)}</td></tr>' html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">Number of amplitudes</td><td>{len(self.amplitudes)}</td></tr>' html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>" # Sampled Classical States if self.cstates: html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2></td></tr>" html_output += '<tr><td colspan=2 style="text-align:center;"><strong>Samples</strong></td></tr>' hist = self.histogram() outcomes = sorted(hist, key=hist.get, reverse=True)[0:10] for bs in outcomes: html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;font-family: monospace;">{hex(bitvec_to_int(bs))}</td><td style="text-align:left;font-family: monospace;">{bs.to01()}</td><td style="font-family: monospace;">{hist[bs]}</td></tr>' html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>" # Statevector Amplitudes if self.amplitudes: html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2></td></tr>" html_output += '<tr><td colspan=2 style="text-align:center;"><strong>Statevector Amplitudes</strong></td></tr>' for bs, amp in self.amplitudes.items(): html_output += f'<tr><td style="text-align:left;">{hex(bitvec_to_int(bs.bits))}</td><td style="text-align:left;">{bs.to01()}</td><td>{amp:.3f}</td></tr>' html_output += "<tr><td colspan=2><hr></td></tr>" html_output += "</tbody></table>" return html_output
[docs] def histogram(self): """Histogram of the obtained classical states' occurrences. Returns: A dictionary of classical states (bitarray) and their occurrences (float). Raises: TypeError: If a non QCSResults object is passed. """ hist = {} for cstate in self.cstates: if cstate in hist: hist[cstate] += 1 else: hist[cstate] = 1 return hist
[docs] def saveproto(self, filename): """Save QCSResults object to a Protocol Buffers file. Examples: >>> from mimiqcircuits import * >>> from symengine import * >>> import tempfile >>> x, y = symbols("x y") >>> c = Circuit() >>> c.push(GateH(), 0) 1-qubit circuit with 1 instructions: └── H @ q[0] <BLANKLINE> >>> conn = MimiqConnection() >>> conn.connect() Starting authentication server on port 1444 (http://localhost:1444) >>> job = conn.execute(c) >>> res = conn.get_results(job) >>> res QCSResults: ├── simulator: MIMIQ-StateVector 0.14.1 ├── timings: │ ├── parse time: 7.1008e-05s │ ├── apply time: 1.3554e-05s │ ├── total time: 0.00023100600000000002s │ ├── compression time: 3.207e-06s │ └── sample time: 4.8047e-05s ├── fidelity estimate: 1 ├── average multi-qubit gate error estimate: 0 ├── most sampled: │ ├── bs"0" => 509 │ └── bs"1" => 491 ├── 1 executions ├── 0 amplitudes └── 1000 samples >>> tmpfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pb", delete=True) >>> res.saveproto( 9167 >>> res.loadproto( QCSResults: ├── simulator: MIMIQ-StateVector 0.14.1 ├── timings: │ ├── parse time: 7.1008e-05s │ ├── apply time: 1.3554e-05s │ ├── total time: 0.00023100600000000002s │ ├── compression time: 3.207e-06s │ └── sample time: 4.8047e-05s ├── fidelity estimate: 1 ├── average multi-qubit gate error estimate: 0 ├── most sampled: │ ├── bs"0" => 509 │ └── bs"1" => 491 ├── 1 executions ├── 0 amplitudes └── 1000 samples Note: This example uses a temporary file to demonstrate the save and load functionality. You can save your file with any name at any location using: .. code-block:: python res.saveproto("example.pb") res.loadproto("example.pb") """ with open(filename, "wb") as f: return f.write(toproto_qcsr(self).SerializeToString())
[docs] @staticmethod def loadproto(filename): """Load QCSResults object from a Protocol Buffers file. The :func:`loadproto` method is a static method and should be called on the class, not on an instance of the class. Note: Look for example in :func:`QCSResults.saveproto` """ qcs_results_proto = qcsresults_pb.QCSResults() with open(filename, "rb") as f: qcs_results_proto.ParseFromString( return fromproto_qcsr(qcs_results_proto)
[docs] def save_results(filename, results): """Saves the results to a ProtoBuf file.""" return results.saveproto(filename)
[docs] def load_results(filename): """Loads QCSResults from a ProtoBuf file.""" return QCSResults.loadproto(filename)
__all__ = ["QCSResults"]